En el programa de hoy:
- KROKOFANT: "Wrong turn", de Krokofant III, Rune Grammofon, 2017.
- MIGUEL LAMAS: "Zapatillas A Granel", de Melted Lives, Miguel Lamas, 2016.
- MIGUELO DELGADO: "La Vía", de Motu Cordis, Miguelo Delgado, 2017.
- IAGO FERNÁNDEZ: "Everything I Love", de Brisa, Fresh Sound New Talent, 2016.
- FERNANDO BROX QUARTET: "Tibia Y Peroné", de Secreto, UnderPool, 2017.
- NEVERMIND TRIO: "Tejido 21", de Onena Heltzear Dago, Errabal Jazz, 2016.
- MARTÍ SERRA & SERGI SIRVENT: "Arrows", de Diürna, Quadrant Records, 2016.
- JOHN DOAN: "Wild Geese Above The Clouds", de Into The Quiet, Tapestry Productions, 2016.
En el programa de hoy:
- ALLAN HOLDSWORTH: "Shallow Sea", de I.O.U., Cream Records, 1985.
- ALLAN HOLDSWORTH: "Devil Take The Hindmost", de Metal Fatigue, Cream Records, 1985.
- ALLAN HOLDSWORTH: "Atavachron", de Atavachron, Cream Records, 1986.
- ALLAN HOLDSWORTH: "Clown", de Sand, Cream Records, 1987.
- ALLAN HOLDSWORTH: "Peril Premonition", de Secrets, Cream Records, 1989.
- ALLAN HOLDSWORTH: "5 to 10", de Wardenclyffe Tower, Cream Records, 1992.
- ALLAN HOLDSWORTH: "Ruhkukah", de Hard Hat Area, Cream Records, 1993.
- ALLAN HOLDSWORTH: "Countdown", de None Too Soon, Cream Records, 1996.
- ALLAN HOLDSWORTH: "The Drums Were Yellow", de The Sixteen Men Of Tain, Cream Records, 2000.
Allan Holdsworth
Metal Fatigue
Cream Records, 1985
Allan Holdsworth
Cream Records, 1989
Allan Holdsworth
The Sixteen Men Of Tain
Cream Records,2000

En el programa de hoy:
- VIRGIL DONATI: "The Winds Of War", de The Dawn Of Time, Virgil Donati, 2016.
- DAVID WEISS & POINT OF DEPARTURE: "The Mystic Knights Of The Sea", de Wake Up Call, Ropeadope, 2017.
- RS FAKTOR QUINTET: "Starting", de Starting, Errabal Jazz, 2011.
- RADAMENT: "Danza Mecánica", de Radament, Radament, 2017.
- PAULO SILVA TRIO: "Birk Works", de Mãe, Free Code Jazz Records, 2016.
- PETE OXLEY & NICOLAS MEIER: "Waltz For Dilek", de The Colours Of Time, MGP Records, 2016.
- JOSEP LLUÍS GALIANA & AVELINO SAAVEDRA: "Round Way", de In The Middle Of Nowhere, Liquen Records, 2017.
- ALBERT CIRERA & TRES TAMBORS: "Es Fosquet", de Suite Salada, UnderPool, 2016.