En el programa de hoy:
- ANTONIO SÁNCHEZ: "Grids And Patterns", de The Meridian Suite, CAM Jazz, 2015.
- GLADSTON GALLIZA / JOSÉ SAN MARTÍN: "Tocador", de Tres Calles, Gladston Galliza / José San Martín, 2014.
- COMBOIO: "Travesuras", de Comboio, Sowarex, 2013.
- STEVEN KIRBY: "Lake Of Stars", de Illuminations, Whaling City Sounds, 2016.
- ALFONSO CALVO: "Sea Ahead", de Sea Ahead, Free Code Jazz Records, 2016.
- MANRING / KASSIN / DARTER: "Spool", de Riverrun, MKD Music, 2010.
- JOSEP LLUIS GALIANA & CARLOS D. PERALES: "Marrullos", de Too Short, Liquen Records, 2016.